Sunday, November 15, 2020

Centering During Uncertain Times - Connecting With What Matters Most

Have you been wondering, “Is this it? Is this all my life is about?” Oftentimes, unmet expectations and persistent longing fuels discontent. Let the spark for something better guide you.

Human beings yearn for meaning — for a sense that our actions have a purpose beyond the current moment. When our days feel like drudgery — a daily grind of going through the motions on automatic pilot — it may be an indication that we are not connecting with what matters to us most.  

Everyone has the potential to experience a sense of fulfillment. As we purposefully pursue what is important to us, our days change from feeling ordinary to extraordinary. During these unprecedented times, intentionally getting out of our comfort zones is one way to persevere.

This December join me for a 3 part workshop called Centering During Uncertain Times - Connecting with What Matters Most. Slow down in a supportive virtual environment for 75 minutes each week. Come reflect, develop, and plan for the new year by focusing on yourself in a very specific way; giving consideration and effort to what is most meaningful to you now. 

Week 1: figure out what matters to you most, using experiential exercises such as writing prompts and brief guided visualizations
Week 2:  set and maintain boundaries around time
Week 3:  define a specific plan to get your life moving in the direction you want

Dedicate attention towards rediscovering what is already inside of you and notice how you feel.

Mondays at 11am
December 7th, 14th, & 21st
3 week virtual workshop $75
To sign up and For More Information email:

For more about Self Care As A Way Of Life read my latest Medium article